For my entire life I have always rejected the fact that someone or something created everything in our world (or any of it for that matter). Yes, mythology and religious stories can be fun to learn about and imagine what it would be like to experience the era in which many of them were written. I just have always had an instinct to question. To much of my parents’ dismay at times “why this?” and “why that?” were questions I freely threw at just about everything. The scientific method is sound and true and is constantly questioning everything all the time. With the endless evidence of evolution among all living things, I always considered religion and creationism as fairy tales. The God of the Gaps has continually disproved religious explanations all over the world. This instantly violates the scientific method. A scientific theory needs to be consistently proven in order to hold merit however, the theory only needs to be disproven once to have the whole thing thrown back onto the drawing board. To our knowledge, us homo sapiens are the most successful and advanced living things to have ever existed. In recent decades, it seems as though we have defeated evolution itself as our population and standard of living have exploded. With all the irrational and (to some) seemingly unplanned events that have taken place during this young new age, After COVID (A.C.), the light has been more brightly shone onto what degree we have manhandled evolution.
Waning Instincts
Writing this now in the year 2 A.C., I find it obvious that many of us have almost completely lost our sense of smell. No, this loss was not due to the non-isolated virus. This diminishment could be seen for years now, the virus, or more accurately the response to the virus, has just made it that much more obvious. The age-old sayings “something smells fishy” or “this doesn’t pass the smell test” have been traditionally used to express an uneasy feeling or instinct. This can be applied to all types of situations or pieces of information. With contradiction after contradiction and inconsistency after inconsistency a large portion of the world’s population continue to just go along for the ride. They continue to take everything they’re told verbatim without a critical thought, question, or “bad smell” ever occurring. Even with all of the outlandish incentives to get inoculated many people still are not seeing the obvious desperation in the narrative. In my opinion, all signs point to that narrative being a global technocratic NWO take-over of all aspects of life on Earth with the worst intentions at its roots. People are just lining up to get who-knows-what put into their bodies as even the administrators have zero information on the contents of the doses. This is not to mention the blatant lies from the government propaganda outlets about the “vaccines” and how they are “safe and effective” for everyone no matter how little they’ve been studied. You’d think that before trying a new food source or watering hole our ancestors would have seen another person or animal take their turn first and then assess their own risk/reward of that source. These evaluations and instincts are what allowed us humans to survive and reproduce all over the world. Coming back to today, many of us are not questioning what is being coerced into our bodies nor the reasons why. This supreme acceptance of comfort and safety and lack of survival instinct could be our ultimate downfall. It seems that our now vacant concern about survival and reproduction, a product of our dominant success as a species, has allowed our core instincts to go dormant in much (but not all) of the population.
Just Getting Started
So now that some of our core instincts have faded, what’s next? Do we just perpetually continue to increase our comforts and decrease our need for other “trivial” natural tendencies? Well, let’s bring it back to our current situation. Everyone must be inoculated or else. Where could this be going when it is clear not everyone is at an equal risk? I’d argue no one needs these experimental injections. But nonetheless we’re told this non-isolated virus is the ultimate threat to us all. What is in these injections? Why are strange things happening to some of the inoculated? What is the end goal? Starting with the strange occurrences following the shots, we are seeing some people all over the world becoming magnetized somehow. This initially unexplained phenomena would certainly freak anyone out if it happened to you. When diving into this rabbit hole one will realize this isn’t a new concept. There have been multiple studies exploring the frequency, radiation, and magnetization relationship with DNA. These relationships have been further explored into vaccine applications and further yet with the “future” of COVID-19 vaccines. This nano-rabbit hole no doubt leads to a transhuman evolution. A new and superior species that would have Elysium on Earth tomorrow if they could. Don’t like how that sounds? Tough, the choice will not be yours. This choice has been made long ago as certain individuals today continue to push it on us. The full integration and merger of man and machine into a new form altogether is now closer than ever. This will eliminate the need of our overlords to continuously run propaganda and allow them to finally control us at the source.
Game On
When studying history it seems as though every writer at one time or another says “we are living in unprecedented times”. While no one has ever been completely wrong with that statement because nothing is ever identical to the past. However, our human actions mimic those of people that came before us. This is because human nature repeats its same tendencies and applies them to new ideas and situations. What happens when these tendencies are altered or removed altogether? As this transhumanism movement becomes fully integrated, the first “person” to write “we are living in unprecedented times” will be the first to be completely correct. Due to our faded instincts we have allowed an underwhelming “crisis” to get the best of us on a global scale. Although the global technocrats have taken advantage of this latest crisis, not all is lost. There are still things in our favor and actions we can take to stifle this agenda. If your instincts haven’t been screaming at you over the course of the past year, it is not too late to start your education of the powers that be. Take the time to learn about the history (and future) of this agenda and how it’s being applied today. Stay up-to-date on the current events the media isn’t telling you about so that we can know how to preserve and further take back our independence, sovereignty, and freedom.