HomeHippauf's DigestWeek of 3/29/21

Week of 3/29/21

NY State Excelsior Pass

The first of many digital passports that will have nothing to do with COVID-19(84ever) in just a few month’s time. Using the term “excelsior”, which can mean “higher” or “elevated”, for a “papers please” domestic digital ID to access goods and services is probably the worst choice of name apart from “superior” or “elite”. This is slapping the public in the face saying that if you do not comply you will be deemed lesser-than the “accepted” or “higher” class of citizen who will be granted “free” access to live their lives. You may be annoyed that I’m using a lot of quotation marks here but we are now officially living in a dystopia. If only Orwell could see us now…

CDC Findings Say Masks Do Not Stop Virus, Confirming “Common” Knowledge

You won’t hear or see about it on the government news outlets however, the CDC just released a study concluding masks use and indoor dining closures do not stop the COVID-19(84ever) spread. This confirms what anyone who pays attention and critically thinks for themselves has known since last November at the latest after the publication of the Danish Mask Study and prior to that the Hajj Pilgrimage Study. At this point it seems to not matter what the “official” facts are no matter what organization produces them. The global fascist narrative is Czar and here to stay.

Clearwater High School Reeducation of Dissident Children

As if this couldn’t get any worse this week we are now finding public school districts threatening to “reeducate” children if they do not wear a mask when they are told. As we’ve seen above mask use is not statistically significant in the prevention of the spread of COIVD-19(84ever) yet we are disciplining our children and now using national socialist terms as threats for their disobedience. The school district’s statement also notes that this “is not a disciplinary matter, but rather a health and safety concern”. This directly contradicts the recent finding from the CDC itself. Welcome to the world of doublethink.

Hope for Pennsylvanian’s

Coming to a ballot near you, if you’re a PA resident, will be a constitutional amendment to the state’s constitution. This amendment will limit the governor’s emergency declaration powers to 21 days (a decrease from the current 90 day limit). Any further extension of the declared emergency will have to pass a simple majority vote of the general assembly which the governor will not be able to veto. In my opinion, this amendment is as must to limit our current Czar’s executive powers. I strongly encourage everyone to vote yes on this come May.

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